It's Almost That Time...

Hello Sink Kitty.
Ahem. It's almost time for UnMasqued to start up again. Yay!
If you play a PC in UnMasqued, the website has a treat for you on the front page!
Another ST meeting has come and gone, but alas, all I can divulge is that we are readying some plot things, doing some behind the scenes work, and... hmm, I seem to be forgetting something...
Oh yes. Check out the results of a lot of LG's hard work: a lores page! (Note that you are loading from its shiny new hosting server.)
Also, the website's server switch has been a success, and the contributions to our cause are rolling in:
As you can see, though, we've got a ways to go. If you can spare the change, please contribute today! (Fundraiser linked above accepts donations as small as $2.00)
On another note, I've recently become fairly addicted to a new miniatures strategy game called Dreamblade. If you're in town, check out The Matrix and ask the friendly proprietors about it; they'll be happy to give you a demo.
Also, some insider information: In a few months, The Matrix will likely be teaming up with O.G.R.E. to offer a $1,000 Dreamblade Sealed event at the college. Stay tuned.