Saturday, July 22, 2006

Post Birthday ... Post

Thank you to everyone who stayed tuned hours and hours longer than you needed to. Ahem. Without further ado, an update:

My birthday was fun. I must acknowledge and thank everyone who called or commented to wish me a happy birthday. Thank you!

Before going out to Romano's Macaroni Grill for my birthday (I love that place), we had a fairly eventful ST meeting. Unfortunately, it was eventful in a lot of ways that need to stay classified. But I can tell everyone this:

[Official warning. If you don't play in UnMasqued, and aren't familiar with Vampire LARPs, much of the following will be more or less incomprehensible to you.]

Vampires in the city of New York will soon be receiving invitations from... Helgiomir! That's right, everyone's favorite extremely paranoid and weird Setite Elder is inviting you all to come chill at his exclusive club Sebau. You'll be treated to great music, great atmosphere, refreshments, and NO CROSS-SECT FIGHTING. OR HE'LL DROP A TRUCK ON YOU. SERIOUSLY.

Hey Cam members--ever had an urge to meet some Sabbat in a way that doesn't include pointing a very large, fragile, weird-looking laser at them? Hey Sabbat--ever had an urge to meet some Cammies in a way that doesn't include gunfire and buses full of homeless people (or chainsaws, fire, and Benito Juarez)? Come on down to the Sebau! Ever time Elysium is held, the club will be there as a great alternative!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

(Cue Music) Happy Birthday to Me! Today I turn twenty-three! Happy Birthday to Me-e! Happy Birthday to Me! Hooray!

Ahem. Yes. In other news, there will be an ST meeting later today, and once it is over I will blog a little about it so those who are interested (All three of you who read my blog: I know who you are!) will be able to get some insight into the ST crew. So, tune in later tonight.